Monday, April 26, 2010

My College Experience: A List

My friend Ashalyn did something like this and I decided to do it, too, because it's an awesome idea. So, here is my list of things I did in college (that are noteworthy, anyway), in no particular order.

1. Held Full-Time Jobs. Three of them, in fact: Macys in summer 07, King County Jail Health in summer 08, and King County Public Health in summer 09. I will probably be back at public health for part of this summer, too.

2. Studied Abroad in Japan. I spent four months of 2008 in Kawagoe, Saitama going to TIU for my study abroad. Clearly, I loved it because I'm going back to Japan in July.

3. Lived with roommates. I lived with the same roommate for two years, then went abroad, and I've lived with Annie ever since.

4. Wrote a thesis. Okay, so I'm still working on this. But a week from today I will definitely have successfully written my senior thesis.

5. Had a boyfriend.

6. Made friends.

7. Voted from a foreign country. I was in Japan during the 08 presidential election, voted by mail, and hung out in the second-floor lounge at TIU with their wireless internet to get the election results.

8. Had my wisdom teeth removed. It sucked.

9. Got detained at customs. This also sucked. Fortunately, it was only for about 15 minutes, but I didn't enjoy it.

10. Got into reading feminist and critical race theory. This is an on-going process. I still have a lot of books to read.

11. Went to a couple of anime conventions.

12. Went to a funeral. For my friend Yasu, last fall. It was a tough time, in a lot of ways, but I'm glad I went to the funeral.

13. Got H1N1. Another of those things that I probably could have done without.

14. Sang with the women's choir here at WU every semester.

15. Completed NaNoWriMo. So, I successfully wrote 50,000 words of original fiction in November. The novel needs some hardcore work before I would even consider showing it to anyone, though.

16. Went out drinking. I suppose you could count karaoke in Japan along with more domestic happenings.

17. Got into the JET Program. My next adventure!

I'm sure I could think of more, if I really wanted to, but this seems like a pretty good list. So I'll leave it at that. This was a good four years, I'm happy with what I did with them.

7 コメント:

Anonymous said...

Lots of good life experiences on your list. I am glad I could be a part of some of them and I hope that I can be a bigger part of your JET experience! Still keeping my fingers crossed you get placed near Kawagoe!

A.N. Latshaw said...

I hope so, too! I miss you!

The Witty Mulatto said...

It's funny - we havea lot of similar experiences. Some of them are things most people do in college (job, boyfriend, roommates), but then other things (traveling abroad, getting horribly ILL, and getting wisdom teeth removed) are eerily similar. And singing in a women's choir.

Anyway, I liked the post! I feel like I should make it into a facebook meme for our graduating friends.

Sara Mari said...

Oh you've done a lot more than I have so far haha! My college experience is really just bare bones minimum effort I guess^^

The only ones I've done are #5 XP and #10 because I am a social science major and have to haha.

A.N. Latshaw said...

@Ashalyn: We did have a lot of similar experiences. Craziness. And I like the idea of more people doing this - it was fun.

@さらまり: I'm really glad I did so much, because I grew a lot. Even getting detained at customs taught me something. Mostly that Japanese customs/immigration is hella xenophobic and will lie. I also learned (later) that their refusal to give me an interpreter was illegal. The more you know!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! They refused to give you an interpreter! I swear...Japan sometimes...

Rachel said...

Seems like you've accomplished a lot, and your studies to Japan sound really intriguing.

I'd love to feature one of your posts on Pink Pangea (, a travel site specifically geared towards women travelers. Submit a photo of yourself in Japan and write a post about your experiences. You might also want to provide some tips for other women travelers to Japan. We will be sure to link back to your site.

Looking forward to hearing from you,