Friday, April 16, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Here, have a JET to-do list:

  • Get a chest x-ray
  • Get a physical
  • Get fingerprints taken
  • Request an FBI criminal records check (cost $18)
  • Send reply form, proof of criminal records request, and medical stuff to Seattle (by 4/23)
  • Fill out a tax thing (cost $36)
And that's just the preliminary stuff that has to be done ASAP! It's partially because it's a government job and partially because Japan is really worried about TB and whatnot and requires extensive medical screenings in order to get a visa. I got up way too early this morning to walk over to Salem Hospital and get my chest x-ray, I'm getting the fingerprints done this afternoon at a place that is really far out of the way (thanks for that, City of Salem, I appreciate it), and I have the physical next Thursday because it was the soonest I could get in to be seen. I've already emailed the JET person in Seattle to tell her that my medical stuff will be a couple of days late, because I was just a little too late to get an appointment for this week, or even the very beginning of next week.

But my packet got here today! My mother had to overnight it to me because JET stuff goes to our permanent addresses. This means I can actually read the instructions myself, rather than have them relayed to me over the phone. I will do this as soon as I go to the mail center and pick the damn thing up.

I'm also thesising and trying to finish up my last two-ish weeks of undergrad, so I can graduate. I am so ready. Also really psyched about Japan and getting a little twitchy about getting my acceptance stuff in so I can find out what my placement is and start preparing for departure.

Oh, and I depart on 24 July, which is sooner than I'd expected. I'll let y'all know when I find out where I'm going to be living. Keep your fingers crossed and send good thoughts for me to get somewhere in Saitama or Gunma (my top two requests).

3 コメント:

The Witty Mulatto said...

Sounds like the military! That's crazy. At least you're not a criminal. (That I know of.)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for you to get here!

I remember doing my chest scan. My doctor looked at me like Japan was crazy. Need to know if you have TB? Do a skin test!

Let me know when you get your address in Japan so I can update your address on my guest list♥

In the off chance that you are placed in the middle of no where, hopefully I can meet up with you while you are in Tokyo for orientation.

A.N. Latshaw said...

@Ashalyn: It is crazy! I keep re-reading the instructions like '...for real?'

@Katherine: I'm SO excited! And keeping my fingers crossed for my placement. I find out in mid-May, so I'll probably be back to a ball of nerves by then. You're definitely one of the people who will be getting my address!