Friday, July 17, 2009

Work story time!

This is a pretty good one, too, just to show off how ridiculous my lead really is.

The set-up: It was the very end of the day Wednesday. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I saw a midnight showing of Harry Potter with Dana (go see it, it's great), got home at three and had to get up at six to go to work. So I was pretty much a zombie and, by four, was at the giving up point because, honestly, I really don't care that much.

Anyway, M (the light duty person who actually had her last day today) asked me why I looked so out of it, and the following exchange occurred, involving T (my ever-loved lead):

Me: I am pretty tired, yeah, I saw a midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie. It was kind of a stupid thing to do because I had to work today, but I've been a Harry Potter fan for about ten years, so it was worth it.
T: Why do you like that stuff? It's so satanic.
M: It's not satanic, just harmless kid's stuff.
T: It is not harmless!
Me: ...Right. I'm just... gonna go over here now. Yeah.

I couldn't even make this stuff up - she's so crazy. She also was under the mistaken impression that, now that M is gone, I'll be working in medical records full-time (rather than just from 7:50-2). She said at one o'clock today, and I quote, "you can go upstairs early today, because this is the last day I'm gonna be able to let you go up there."

I just kinda went smiled and nodded... and went straight to my supervisor to ask her about this statement. Supervisor said, no, I will still work upstairs from 2-4:50 because that's part of my job. T does not have the authority to 'let' me do anything. So, um, she's gonna get a little bit of a surprise on Monday when I pack up and leave records at 2, same as usual. I'm probably a little bit too happy about that, but she's so vile I can barely stand it, so I've decided I'm entitled to my tiny victories.

Unfortunately, due to potential monetary troubles in my near future (my family may not be able to give me the money they have in the past), I have had to extend my work plans to 21 August. So, I'll only have a week off before moving back to Salem, but it'll get me another thousand dollars, which can only help. But I was looking forward to quitting on the 7th, so I'm a little sad about that part. Oh well, it's only another two weeks, right? Right.

Stay tuned for further updates in the crazy.

Also, Ashalyn! When are you gonna be out here? Even though I'll almost certainly be working, we'll have to hang out.

1 コメント:

The Witty Mulatto said...

I saw the midnight showing too! It was great. Even though these two losers next to us started snickering every time someone was about to kiss and yelled loudly, "It's snoggin time!" Which was funny maybe the first 57 times.

And I think it's actually illegal for her to tell you it's Satanic. Sounds like she could definitely use an intro to Satanism, anyway. 'Cause it's NOT HP.

I'll be in Seattle from the 8th to the 22nd or something. We should get together.