Sunday, May 3, 2009

One down, three to go

As of 9:40PM, I've officially finished one of my four final papers. This leaves me with 18 to 20 pages to write by next Sunday, in three different subjects. And a Japanese final, but I'm overlooking that for the moment in favour of enjoying the sense of accomplishment that comes with having finished a paper more than 12 hours before it's due.

So, the finals week list stands as follows:

.Paper on Beauvoir's The Second Sex
.Paper on Measure for Measure
.Paper on Foucault's History of Sexuality, Part 1
.Currently undefined paper for Literature and Sexuality
.Japanese Final

The finished paper is due Tuesday, and I have to have four pages of the eight-page Shakespeare paper for peer edit the same day. This will leave me, then, with 14-ish pages to write for Sunday. And that Japanese exam, which I really should study for.

But this is definitely manageable. I just have to be smart about it and work all week, rather than leave it all for Friday and Saturday. In which case I will be up all night and probably fail Saturday's exam. And that would suck, so I'm going to write half of the Shakespeare tomorrow (it requires outside sources, which is time-consuming) and divide the rest up over the course of the week. If I actually put some thought into this, I can save myself unnecessary stress and woe and still get everything done.

I don't feel particularly wonderful about the Beauvoir paper (though I did go off on a minor, but satisfying, tangent about how Women's History Month is lame), but it doesn't really matter, unless I suck at the Foucault. And I'm bound to do better at that one because I had to read the damn text twice in the last month. The class those two papers are for only counts the best three scores, so if one of them really sucks, it's okay. My Marx and Freud papers were decent - I just need to make sure at least one of my last two works out to be set.

It feels good to be so close to the end of a term. I mean, then I have to job-hunt and that's going to be just delightful, but it's nice to finish something. Although, the fact that I'm going to be a senior next year is terrifying. Seriously, where did the last three years go? It does not feel like I've been in college that long. Nikki has secured an apartment with Josh, Annie and I will be living in Haseldorf, and in a few months I'm going to have to start figuring out what I'm going to do with myself post-graduation.


1 コメント:

N. Turner said...

My dear, you are going to run away with me and become traveling circus nuns that spin fire and walk on the tightrope in Japan.

I still don't know if I will be living in the apt with Josh during the school year, or if it will be in Haseldorf with you guys. *sigh* So unfortunate.

Good luck on those papers! I will be doing mine, too. I made progress last night!


Oh, PS. randomness: Wesley doesn't remember who you are. And he is actually from Portland and went to a school that I actually know. I suggested him the Oaks Park job, since he wants work (ANY work).... We'll have to see how he survives.