Saturday, May 23, 2009

I have a boring life

No, for real, I do. Right now, anyway. I'm at home in Lynnwood, which is cool with me because I actually have more to do up here than in Salem (I live, like, 5 minutes from a transit centre that can get me a bus to downtown Seattle), and I actually like doing things with my family, but it's definitely not exciting blog material.

I got some good news last week, though: because of my FAFSA information, my financial aid award for next year totals $24,500, half in the fall and half in the spring. Taking this on top of the money I already have from various sources, I will owe Willamette nothing my senior year. I think I have a minor carry-over balance from last year, but even that should fit into the budget I already have. So, I will get out of undergrad with just shy of 15k in loans, which isn't going to be too hard to pay off, and I don't have to stress out about money for the first time in my undergrad career. I've needed to make $2500+ every summer up to this point. I'm still job-hunting, of course, because it'd be nice to have some money that I can spend/save for the fall, but it's not urgent like it's been in the past.

Of course, the job market sucks, so I'm just waiting and crossing my fingers that someone will like me. I've applied at Macy's (I used to work there), Ann Taylor Loft (where, as it turns out, a former Macy's coworker works now), Buckle and Borders. But no one seems to be actively hiring, so we'll see what comes of it. I did my best.

In other news, I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Diamond. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the game at this point and I'm kind of obsessed. It's fun, okay? I've also done some cleaning of my room, studying of kanji and playing with the dog. Well, maybe a lot of playing with the dog. And now I'm reading a book about Takarazuka and modern Japanese sexual politics. It's really interesting, half history and half gender/sexuality studies.

I also found a shirt that will work pretty well for future adventures in drag. It's black with white pinstripes and it's not fitted, so it could be a dude's shirt.

And... I'm planning on cutting my hair again. I need to, because the cut I got back in March is growing out. I think I'm going to go for this:

It's similar to what I have now style-wise, with the heavy bangs, but shorter. I think it'll be good for summer.

Stay tuned for updates on the job-hunt front, and for pictures when I do get around to going to have my hair cut. Maybe I'll just start taking pictures of interesting things to have something to put on my blog during the summer. I'll take my camera when I go to the International District on Monday and see what I can find. It'll be like a personalised tour of the Greater Seattle Area.

3 コメント:

N. Turner said...

Hey! If you are really all that bored, you should totally come down to Salem for a while when you get a chance! I would greatly appreciate seeing you again, and I miss you terribly.

As for the haircut, I do think that one will look really cute on you. I am thinking of cutting my hair, too. Josh doesn't want me to. He likes it long but it is getting annoying right now, and is really hard for me to do anything with. It is at that length that does really annoy me: too long to be cute and be really easy to care for, too short to look nice no matter what I try to do with it. *sigh* I don't know if I want to cut it or wait for it to grow out. Laaaaame.

Hey! You should totally pick up next I try to call you! Counterpart!!! I love you!!

The Witty Mulatto said...

Pinstripes are good, and so is black! The whole point is to take people's eyes off those lovely curves (which will be strapped down, but still). So dark shirts and patterned shirts are the best.

Good job on your financial aid! You'll be coming out of undergrad way better than most people I know. That must be such a huge relief for you.

Also, would you be interested in volunteering at Freedom School in late June? It's a program for youth (mostly high school) organized by the People's Institute, which does the Undoing Racism trainings I was telling you about. My mom's group is trying to bring it to Edmonds for the second year now. I don't know how much help they need in preparation, but they love having college-age people there to help out. I went last year and learned some stuff (even though I'd already been to their other trainings). Let me know if you're interested and I can get you in touch with my mom and the group.

Anyway. I digress. Well, not really. I brought it up as an answer to your boredom. 'Cause I got so bored my first two summers. By June I was ready to go back to DC...that's why I got this internship and stayed here. But I'm sure you'll find something. Did you go to Folklife? And Pride is coming up...that might be a good place to do your drag debut! (That's where Randy did his, anyway. In a supportive environment. 'Cause it was a little scary.)

A.N. Latshaw said...

I'd be really interesting in volunteering! That would be an awesome way to spend part of my summer. I'd definitely like to get in touch and see if I can get involved.

How's your internship going so far, by the way?

Also, Nikki: I'll call you soon!