Tuesday, June 2, 2009

明日 の Resolution

Yeah, I'm listening to Daisuke Asakura again. This happens kind of a lot. I mean, the title of this blog is the first line of Orange Tea Time (aru hi fushigi na kuni e itta no - that day I went to a strange country), which probably says something about my love for this man and his heavily synthesized music. Oh, DA, one day I will see you perform, either solo or, more likely, with Access. With Kenichi Ito is probably way too much to hope for.

Anyway, generally speaking I continue to fail at life. I finally called Nikki back, at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, when I was coming back from seeing a concert at El Corazon downtown (it wasn an awesome concert, for the record, even if most of the other attendees were pretty wasted). I was expecting her not to answer and was all set to leave a conversational and rambling message (I'm at least somewhat known for this skill), when she picked up. So I talked for a minute, assured her that I still love her... and then didn't call her back like I said I would. Because, as established, I suck. It's worst during the summer when I just forget about my phone for days at a time and check it to find that I've missed, like, five calls. So, on the to-do list for tonight and tomorrow: call Nikki and then call Annie. And then call the loan people because they seem to think I've graduated and want me to start paying them back in November. Yeah, that's not gonna happen, guys.

In other news, as probably no one remembers, back in January I made a vague and short-lived attempt at a media blog. As in, I made the blog and posted one recommendation before completely forgetting about it for about six months. But now I think I am going to try to resume this project, because I like reviewing and recommending things. The link is in my sidebar, if you want to peek in on it. There will be music and book recs (and possibly TV and film, depending on my mood), with samples and my opinion. Because I know you all value my opinion so very much.

All of that aside, I ideally start work next week. I'm pretty much set to be put in the float pool for the county, which really means (since I don't drive) that I'll be working medical records at a clinic. However, my mum found out today that the jail may also need float pool people, so I might be partially back at the jail. Basically, I'll be spending the next two months or so in some of the sketchier parts of downtown being a temporary public servant.

I'm actually looking forward to this, partly because I'm getting bored and partly because I'm tired of not being able to buy anything. I keep seeing books and stuff that I'd like to have, but can't afford because I have no income. Also, I saw a black and white sort of retro dress today (it has a layer of tulle under the skirt and everything) that I very much Do Want. I'm kind of digging dresses and skirts these days.

And... I really don't have any other news. I'm just trying to keep this blog somewhat updated so everyone knows I'm not dead. Keep an eye out for media posts from me. Hopefully I'll actually get that off the ground properly. I've got some obscure Japanese music and some awesome cyberpunk fiction to recommend. Oh yes.

3 コメント:

The Witty Mulatto said...

Yeah! Alexis is going back to jail!

Makes me think of "Bad Girls."

A.N. Latshaw said...

It makes my life sound so much more exciting than it really is. But I am happy about another Public Health job, half because it's good money and looks good as college work experience and half because it's a little more out in the real world than, say, retail. I learned a lot about the way things really are working in the jail, I'm serious.

The Witty Mulatto said...

I hear that. Activists are saying prison reform/abolition (I support the latter, but let's not get carried away) is the next big issue facing us.