Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two posts in a week WHAT

See, my high school friend Ashalyn (she comments on my blog sometimes and keeps a pretty great blog of her own) made me feel like a slacker because she blogs way more than I do... without a computer. I mean, come on, that's just sad. I have a computer that I use all the time and I can't get out more than three or four posts a month? Lame. So I'm actually reminding myself to post those things I think when sitting in class bored out of my skull.

And, you know, more obscure Japanese music, because I can't let the cultural education slip. I promised Dai-chan, and you will get Dai-chan, but first I have to share another Iceman song - Mr. D. - for a couple of reasons. First, because I love it. Second, because the music, lyrics and vocals are all Kenichi. Third, because it's full of engrish. As a general rule of thumb, the more random English you find in an Iceman song, the greater the likelihood that it was written by Kenichi Ito. The man's a high school dropout who speaks virtually no English, but he uses it all the time in his music. I opted out of giving you the official PV in favour of another live.

If you thought you heard words like tomato juice, booby trap dance, lucky, ok and romantic... you did. If you didn't hear them, that's because, as stated, his English sucks.

And now, for something a little newer and a little different, some Asakura Daisuke. It's another live clip (I like live clips, okay?), from his 2005 Quantum Mechanics Rainbow tours. Dai-chan's solo stuff has a different sound than his stuff with Iceman, and the Quantum Mechanics Rainbow album series is pretty much awesome. It's seven albums spawned by some bizarre, simultaneous love of math and colour. Anyway, I am sharing a live of Orange Tea Time, which is cute, silly, based on Alice in Wonderland, and shows off just how gay this man is. I love him.

Okay, music stuff aside, my only other news of note is that I got the housing I wanted! Yes, Annie and I will be sharing one of the two-bedroom apartments in Haseldorf. This means that I will not only have my own bedroom, but a private bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. And, best yet, it's on the first floor, which means moving in will be easy.

The one downside is that the colour scheme in this apartment is pretty awful, but we are allowed to paint, so if the red and white kitchen gets to me, I'll be covering it up with something better. And that will be that.

Yeah, so boring blog post is boring, but I don't actually have anything more interesting to talk about. I'm reading Foucault's The History of Sexuality Volume I, which is pretty awesome, but I haven't finished yet, so I don't want to give opinions. It's difficult, Foucault is not transparent, but Markowitz (philosophy professor) says that, were she to put together a list of the five most influential books of the twentieth century, History of Sexuality would be on there. And, so far, I'm gonna have to agree.

So, to close this up with a public service announcement: The History of Sexuality Volume I is only 159 pages. So you should go read it.

2 コメント:

The Witty Mulatto said...

Dang, you got an apartment? Where you're allowed to paint? What an incredible luxury...that doesn't even sound like campus housing. I'm in my same tiny room least it's a single. Couldn't ask for more than that. Can you believe we're gonna be seniors? Seems like just yesterday we were sitting around at the bullshit ceremony at E-dub, starving 'cause the only food we'd gotten were those loser McDonalds hamburgers somebody ordered for after the rehearsal. Ah, those were the days.

A.N. Latshaw said...

I'm psyched about it. The building's pretty crap, from the 20s and not in great shape, but since it's two of us the apartment costs the same as the dorms and it's going to be like an actual home. But a single's still pretty good - you don't have to share your space with some loser. Like your first roommate, who tried to brainwash you in your sleep.

And it is definitely crazy. How does this stuff go by so fast?