Monday, May 17, 2010

New Developments

First: I graduated yesterday! It was actually pretty fantastic, as far as commencements go, and I'm happy to have my diploma in hand. Well, it's on my parents' dining room table now, along with my cap, but I definitely have it. So now, after four years, I have my Bachelor of Arts in English and am done with undergrad! I don't have any pictures, because I personally didn't take any, but my mum did and I'll get some from her to show off later.

Leaving Salem was a little bittersweet and I cried in the car because I'm leaving a lot of people I love. But it's all okay because I'm off to Japan in two months (plus a week), which brings me to development the second: my JET placement!

I did not get what I requested at all, which seems to be more or less the norm for JET, and I was a little thrown off at first because it's so far from my sphere of familiarity, but I will be living in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. That would be on Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four islands. Matsuyama (I've learned since looking it up about an hour ago) is the capital of Ehime and the biggest city on the island, a ferry ride away from Hiroshima (and a longer ferry ride from Kobe, apparently). I'm pretty psyched I got a major city, rather than a tiny town way out in the inaka, but I'm a little disappointed that I'm so far from Saitama where I know people. I'll visit, though, and people should definitely come visit me. You know you want to check out Shikoku.

So it'll be cool. Based on pictures, it's prettier than Saitama (not that Saitama's all that picturesque, but still) and very green, and there's actually a decent amount of stuff in the city. Like a castle!

JET is seeming a lot more in my reach now that I know where I'm going. And I'll be switching to my new blog soon, so keep an eye out for that.

1 コメント:

Katherine said...

When I can manage it I will definately come down and visit you! You know you are always welcome to stay at my apartment whenever you have time to come back to Saitama. I hope I can see you in Tokyo when you have orientation! Let me know when you get the details about that!