Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My name is Alexis and I am a bibliophile

Today I was moderately productive! I went to the transit centre to acquire an Orca card (they're bus cards that you put money on, so you don't have to use cash, kind of like Japanese train cards), then I spent almost two hours in Barnes & Noble. I didn't buy anything because everything I wanted was outrageously expensive and I refuse to spend $15 on a paperback, but I spent part of that time in the cafe with coffee and my Moleskine, scribbling writing notes for when I conquer my listlessness enough to actually sit down and write something marginally coherent. And, anyway, time spent in a bookstore is never time wasted.

Then I came home, took a look at my books (which, for the record, are kept in... 7 different places because they don't fit properly), and decided to go through them and pull out ones I can do without. So now I have a bag full of books that I'm going to take to Half-Price books and attempt to sell. Someone else will have more use for Red Star Over China than I will at this point, I'm sure. The bag contains a mix of fantasy novels I'm not keen on anymore, books I inexplicably have two copies of, books I never really liked to begin with, and school-related books I didn't sell back for whatever reason.

I also discovered, in the process of going through my bookcase, shelves, and drawers full of books, that I have a lot of philosophy and poetry. And a good 15-20 books I've never read. I think I just compulsively buy them, then get an emotional attachment and agonize over whether I can bear to part with them, whether I've read them or not. It's like this voice in the back of my mind goes, "But you might want to read them later and then where will you be?" Absolutely ridiculous. Which is why I'm forcing myself to part with about two dozen.

Anyway, at the end of my book-sorting adventure, I discovered that I will be returning to Salem with more books than I brought with me. To begin with, I can't very well leave The Complete Sherlock Holmes because I'm only a third of the way through, but I also can't leave the two books I brought and haven't finished. Then there's Slaughterhouse-5, which I know I'll be reading for my Apocalyptic lit class and don't want to have to buy again, and Catch-22, which I've been half-way through for the last eternity. I also need to bring my literary theory book from sophomore year because I know I'll need it for my English classes. I did last semester, anyway, and didn't have it. I intend to avoid that issue this time around.

In conclusion? Maybe I should read the books I already have before buying more. It would save money and cut down on my owning books I don't even remember buying to begin with.

Books of 2010, as of 6 January
1. The Sign of Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

4 コメント:

The Witty Mulatto said...

Haha I was just in Half Price today! Restrained myself to only two purchases. It was my thrid afternoon in a bookstore since I've been home...Books I'm returning with that I didn't bring:

-Push by Sapphire
-Killing Custer by James Welch
-The Wind In The Willows (I never realized how gay the animals are)
-The Pirates! in An Adventure With Scientists by Brian Defoe (I think)
-Winter In The Blood by James Welch (I love him)
-Mourning Dove: A Salish Autobiography
-Lesbian Couples (I love reading books by therapists and psychologists)
-...among others.

So yeah, you're not alone. And I agree that time wasted in a bookstore is never spent. :-) Have you been to the Third Place Books on Lake City Way or in Ravenna? It's like a higher class (and slightly higher price) Half Price.

A.N. Latshaw said...

I love Third Place Books! Such an awesome place. It's less convenient to get to than Half Price, unfortunately, so I don't go as often.

Sounds like you picked up some good stuff!

N. Turner said...

I was curious as to what you are getting rid of... fantasy books sound interesting. But if you wanna sell them it is totally understandable! Money is good.


And there is nothing wrong with being a bibliophile as long as you are not doing erotic things with them, well, to them.

The Witty Mulatto said...

Hey,as long as it doesn't hurt the book....