Saturday, September 19, 2009

I can be a bit of a fangirl, yes

I finally, despite having had it on my faithful external hard drive for some time now, watched the Takarazuka La Mariposa. It's Snow Troupe, starring my most loved Mizu Natsuki, and it takes place in some unnamed Latin American country complete with a song or two in Spanish. It also features a possibly unprecedented number of scenes with Mizu in a fierce suit looking pimp. So, really, how could it not be awesome? It doesn't have a ton of music, unlike the big Zuka shows like Elisabeth, so it's very dialogue-heavy, which could make it difficult for a non-Japanese speaker to follow. Except it's so full of sexy and Takarazuka-ified machismo that it'd probably be enjoyable regardless. It also has a plot!

In brief, Nero, a night club owner, smuggles political prisoners out of his unnamed Latin American country, and does other smuggling operations to fund hospitals and such. He and his friend Escobar do this because, apparently, they were part of a revolutionary group that failed. Anyway, Nero teams up with a plantation owner, then falls in love with the plantation owner's daughter, Selia. Selia's brother then clumsily aids an assassination attempt made on the president. Turns out he's part of a rebel group and he goes missing. While this is going down, there's a mobster from Miami just sort of around trying to do business with Nero, an American journalist hangs out annoying people, and finally a showdown happens. The end.

How's that for some summarising skill? I'd share video, except there's nothing on youtube. I looked. So, instead, I'm going to make note of something, complete with visual examples.

If you are Mizu, you get to wear fierce suits and hang out with your best friend drinking beer, discussing the CIA and just generally looking badass.

If you are Kimu, on the other hand, you get to look slightly ridiculous standing next to a suave Mizu.

That is a very unfortunate suit. But I guess that's what happens when your character is a college student/night club singer. Kimu just isn't cool enough to get Mizu-quality costumes.

In related news, I finally gave in to almost a year's temptation and bought Elisabeth. I'm not going to say how much it cost me through the very nice, convenient shopping service, but rest assured that it will be awhile before I let myself buy another Takarazuka DVD. When I do, it will probably be Lucifer's Tears. Either that or The Brothers Karamazov. They both look pretty fantastic.

This is an expensive hobby. I love it, and there's nothing else quite like it, but the cost hurts. If any of y'all ever want to watch some of my Zuka, just let me know. As soon as my DVD arrives, I'll have a collection of three (two were given to me in a trade, so I didn't pay for them) and I will happily share the awesome.

3 コメント:

N. Turner said...

I would like to watch some!

The Witty Mulatto said...

The minute we are in Seattle together, we are having a takarazuka party.

A.N. Latshaw said...

Definitely, to both of you! I'm working on making proper DVDs out of the other two shows I have, so we won't have to watch them on my 11-inch screen.