Saturday, January 10, 2009

School and books - pretty much my life

Well, on Friday I'm heading down to Salem to move into my new room with Annie. Usually, I'd just be taking the train (or, more likely, getting a ride from Alex) back down with my suitcase and messenger bag, and everything would already be in my room the way I like it. This year, because of Japan, I'm doing my Massive Move of Doom in January.

Annie and I are pretty psyched about getting WISH 4, though, so even though I have to deal with dragging all my crap down to Oregon, at least we got our room.

Moving is still kind of a nightmare, though. Seriously, I don't even realise how much stuff I own until I have to move it. Clothes and books and whatnot aside, there are sheets, towels, laundry stuff... it's crazy. Since it's only four months, rather than the whole year, I'm going to be very good and limit the number of books and DVDs I take. Just the essentials, which is a bigger list than you might imagine.

Speaking of books, I've finished book one of my 50 books for 2009, so I'm going to get a running list started. Every time I have a book to add, I'll put the entire list, just to keep track (and remind you guys that there are brilliant books waiting to be read). If there's an asterisk, it means the book is extra awesome and you should read it.

1. Autobiography of a Blue-eyed Devil - Inga Muscio*

Actually, that book deserves, like, five asterisk, but for the sake of my organisation system, I'll stick to one. I'll write up some sort of proper review/recommendation later, for the media blog, but suffice it to say, everyone should read this book. She's so badass, I love her. For a couple of different reasons, I've started reeducating myself so I can do something to help take down the racist/sexist/imperialist/heteronormative institutions that have been hanging on way too long, and this was a recommendation from my high school friend Ashalyn. It really is a good start, if you want to try getting a little bit more aware of what's going on around you.

As a final note, take a look at my spring semester:

-Shakespeare: The Comedies
-Literature and Sexuality
-Gender, Sexuality and Power
-Intermediate Japanese 2

I'm pretty excited, it's all going to be really interesting, but I'm also a little leery of the amount of reading that's going to get dropped on my head. Two literature classes and a philosophy, while also taking a foreign language. And nothing is below a 300-level. I'm anticipating that I'll hit March, maybe, and have a 'that's it, I can't take it anymore' moment. But I've always recovered from those in the past. It'll be fine.

Now if Willamette would just get me an accurate tuition invoice, everything would be cool. But that's it's own post, so I'll leave it for later. When I'm less irritated with student accounts and financial aid.

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